速報APP / 醫療 / FHCA- Florida Health Care Assn

FHCA- Florida Health Care Assn





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本




FHCA- Florida Health Care Assn(圖1)-速報App

Welcome to the official FHCA Events mobile app. The FHCA Annual Conference offers more than 250 booths of the latest long term care products and services. This year, we are offering a new and improved mobile app experience. The interactive app, built by Event Owl will feature all exhibitors, daily agenda, session schedules, attendee information and much more. This year we will be encouraging participation of everyone by utilizing a point system where attendees can move up the app leaderboard, accumulate points for prizes, by checking in at your booth and getting exhibitor codes along the way. The app is designed to enhance everyone’s experience during the event and to promote networking and collaboration.

FHCA- Florida Health Care Assn(圖2)-速報App

FHCA- Florida Health Care Assn(圖3)-速報App

FHCA- Florida Health Care Assn(圖4)-速報App